Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sandhyavandanam & its significance

Our planet not only goes around the sun but also rotates on it's own axis.
Sun rise and Sun set are caused by the rotation of earth on it's own axis.
At every instant of time , there will be Sunrise at one place and Sunset at another place.
At Sunrise , rays of Sun will hit that part of the earth for the first time for that day , resulting in release of energies .
Similarly at Sun set there will be withdrawal of energies.

Sun rise constitutes a change from 'darkness' to 'light'   and hence constitutes a 'Sandhya'  i.e  junction. Similarly sun set is also a 'Sandhya'  i.e. a junction.

Upanishads speak very highly of Sandhya times. It says that benefits are far  more during Sandhya times than that at other times. Recent researches have also brought out abundant release of beneficial energy at  sun rise  and withdrawal of non-beneficial energy at sun set.

Though Upanishads refer to two Sandhya-names Sun rise and Sun set , the sages have added one more 'Sandhya'   namely  'Madhyanika' or  mid-day.
Sun rises in east , moves upward , reaches zenith , and then descends to west.
The point at zenith represents  change from upwards to downwards.
This sandhya is considered to be beneficial for worship of 'Pithru Devatas' - that is devatas who are instrumental for one to  get son , grandson , etc and also one to be a son or grandson , etc.


Prayers  at  Sandhya time  are   called "Sandhyavandanam" .The main objective of Sandhyavandanam is to avail benefits of Sandhya for an individual.

Vedic References

References are there   regarding 'Sandhyavandanam' in Thaithria , Ishavasya and Chandogya Upanishads.

They all bring out the importance of offering 'Arghya' meditating on 'Adithya'.

This form of worship will help an individual to acquire the qualities of 'Adithya'-

namely lustrous and healthy body and mind ,
high intellect with grasping power , high  intuition , memory etc.

The present day studies of Naturopathy , like Pranic Healing , Reiki etc have brought out the role of Bio- electricity in humans in regard to health.

The purification measures in 'Sandhyavandanam' are essentially to strengthen this aspect and condition the body to receive the beneficial cosmic radiations.

  'Achamanam'  helps in the flow of bio-electricity within the body.

  'Pranayamam'  helps to activate the chakras.

  'Prasanam'  is  swallowing  energized water and

  'Prokshanam'  is  sprinkling  of  energized water.

'Sandhyavandanam'  starts with purification process so that the benifits of  'Arghyam' and 'Gayathri' are realised.

Though  Sandhya  time refers to sun rise and sun set , it's benefit spreads on either side of this point.Under Indian situations , approximately two hours on either side is beneficial.


A  'Hymn' or 'Mantra'   is a prayer ( With words and alphabets specifically chosen) addressed to God or Deity .
It is supposed to  have  mystic and supernatural powers. The energy from the universe is present everywhere .
By reciting a   Mantra either orally or mentally , we tune ourselves to receive this energy .
The hymns chosen for Sandhyavandanam are meant to realize the benefits of Sandhya.

Every Mantra has a Chandas - the Chandas explains the potential of the Mantra or the power it can create in our body by receiving it.



Achyutaya namah

Anantaya namah

Govindaya namah

Achamanam, that is, sipping of the water with the above mantras, one sipping for each mantra, will remove all the ills of the body-and mind. This is called Namatrayividya or the worship with the three names, which will cure all diseases, physical and mental. There is a well-known sloka to the effect that the medicine constituting the repetition of the three names of the Lord Achyuta, Ananta and Govinda will certainly cure all diseases. 


Next comes Pranayama, i. e. Control of Prana.

Om Bhuh / Om Bhuvah / Om Suvaha / Om Mahah / Om Janah / Om Tapah / Om Satyam / Om Tat Saviturvarenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi / Dhiyo yo Nah Prachodayat / Om Apo Jyoti-rasomritam Brahma Bhurbhuvassuvarom.

The forefinger and the middle finger should be bent and by the thumb and second finger, the nose must be touched, on either side, the right nostril should be closed and air must be taken slowly by the left nostril and then that should be closed and after a time the air slowly sent out by the right nostril. The inhaling is called Puraka, the retaining Kumbhaka and the exhaling Rechaka. The proportion of time of these three viz. Puraka, Kumbhaka and Rechaka should be in the ratio 1: 3: 2.


Apohishta mayo bhuvah / ta na oorje dadhatana maheranaya chakshase / yo vah sivatamorasah / Tasya bhajayateha nah / Usateeriya Matarah / Tasma arangamama vah yasya kshayayajinvatha / Apo janayatha cha nah / Om Bhurbhuvos suvah.

With the second finger of the right hand write the letter Om on Water and uttering the word Sri kesavaya namah touch the centre of the brows with that very finger.

With the first seven mantras sprinkle water on the head with the second finger. Reciting the eighth Mantra touch ,the feet with the second finger. Reciting the ninth mantra sprinkle water again on the head. Then repeating the mantra - Om Bhurbhuvassuvah make a circuit of your head.


Om bhurbhuvassuvah / Tat Saviturvarenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi / dhiyo yo naha prachodayaat //

With this mantra, before sunrise take water filling both hands and pour thrice to the East. At noon, you must stand facing north and pour water twice. At night before sunset in a sitting posture, the thumb should be apart when offering the arghya.


Pranayamamah // Om bhuh + bhurbhuvassuvarom Arghyam / Om bhurbhuvassuvah + dhiyo yo nah prachodayaat Om bhurbhuvasvah //

Then Pranayama should be done and then the Prayaschittarghya must be poured afterwards uttering, Om bhurbhuvassuvah.
Circumambulate the head with water.


Asavadityo Brahma / Brahmaivaasmi//

With the two hands touch the breast, close the eyes and deeply meditate on the truth that the Jeevatman and Paramatman are one.


Asau - This
Adityah - Sun
Brahma -Is Brahma
Aham -I also
Brahmaiva -Verily Brahman
Asmi -Am
Do Achamanam after that


Adityam tarpayami/ Somam tarpayami / Angarakam tarpayami / Budham tarpayami / Brihaspatim tarpayami /Sukram tarpayami /Sanaischaram tarpayami / Rahum tarpayami / Ketum tarpayami

Kesavam tarpayami / Narayanam tarpayami / Madhavam tarpayami / Govindam tarpayami / Vishnum tarpayami / Madhusoodanam tarpayami / Trivikramam tarpayami / Vamanam tarpayami / Sreedharam tarpayami / Hrishikesam tarpayami Damodaram tarpayami//


Suklambaradharam Vishnum sasivarnam chaturbhujam

prasannavadanam dhyayet sarvavighnopa - santhaye//

Om bhu + Bhurbhuvassuvarom // (Pranayamah)

Mamopatta - samasta - duritakshayadwara Sriparameswara preetyartham Pratah Sandhya - Gayatri – Mahamantra-japam karishye/ .


Aayatwityanuvakasya Vamadeva Rishih / Anushtup Chhandah/ Gayatri Devata/

Aayaatu Varada Devi Aksharam Brahmasammitam/ Gayatri Chhandasam Mataridam Brahma Juhaswa Nah/ Ojosi Sahosi Balamasi Bhrajosi Devanam Dhama Namasi viswamasi viswayuh sarvamasi sarvayu-rabhibhoorom Gayatri mavahayami Savitrimavahayami
Saraswatimavahayami //

Reciting this mantra, the Gayatri Devi should, be thought of as manifesting in the lotus of the heart. With the sign of invocation, the hands should be turned inwards in front of the heart.


Savitriya Rishirvishivamitrah / Nichrudgayatri Chhandah/ Savita Devata //.


Savitriyah - Of the Savitri mantra (i.e. the Gayatri mantra)
Rishirvishwamitrah - Vishwamitra is the Rishi.
Nichrugayatri Chhandah –The Nichrud Gayatri is the metre.
Savita Devata - And Sun is the deity.                                                 
Bhargo Devasya
Dhiyo yo Naha


Pranayamah /

Praatah Sandhya, (Aditya), (Saayam Sandhya) Upasthanam karishye
// Uttame shikhare Devi bhoomyaam parvata-moordhani /Brahmanebhyo hyanujnaanam gachha Devi yathaa sukham //

After the japam of Gayatri, the prayer to that deity to go to her own place is called Gayatri Upasthanam. First of all the Pranayama must be done.


Mitrasya charshani dhritah sravo devasya saanasim / Satyam Chitrasravastamam//
Mitro janam yaatayati prajaanan Mitro daadhaara Prithivee mutadyaam / Mitrah krishtee - ranimishaabhichashte Satyaaya havyam ghritavadvidhema//

Pra Sa Mitra Marto Astu Payaswaan Yasta Aditya Sikshati Vratena / Na Hanyate Na Jeeyate Twoto Nainama-gumho Asnotyantito Na Dooraat//

After japam fold your hands and stand facing the East; then worship the Paramatma inside the Solar Orb with the following mantra: -


Sandhyaayai namah / Saavitryai namah / Gaayatryai namah / Saraswatyai namah / Sarvaabhyo Devataabhyo namo namah //
Kamokarsheenmanyurakaarsheennamo namah

After Japam the mantras Sandyaayai namah etc. should be uttered folding the hands beginning with the quarter, which one faces at the time of the japam. Finally looking to that very quarter Sarvaabhyo Devataabhyo namah and kamokaarsh- eenmanyurakaarsheennamo namah should be uttered with folded hands.       


Praachyai Dise Namah // Dakshinaayai Dise Namah / Prateechyai Dise  Namah // Udeechyai Dise Namah // Oordhwaaya Namah // Adharaaya Namah // Antarikshaaya Namah Bhoomyai Namah Brahmane Namah // Vishnave Namah // Mrityave Namah

Beginning from the quarter facing which the japa was done, the four quarters are saluted as well as the upper side and lower side and the middle portion and the Gods or the quarters, and afterwards the earth and the three Gods Brahma, Vishnu and, Siva.


Yamaaya Namah Yamaaya Dharmarajaaya Matyave Chhantakaaya cha // Vaivaswataaya Kaalaaya Sarvabhootakshaaya cha //

Oudumbaraaya Dadhnaaya Neelaaya parameshtine // Vrikodaraaya Chitraaya Chitragupaaya Vai Namah // Chitraguptaaya Vai Nama Om Nama Iti //

This mantra should be uttered facing the South.


Ritagum Satyam Param Brahma Purusham Krishna-pingalam // Oorddhwaretam Viroopaksham Viswaroopaya Vai Namo Namah // Viswaroopaaya Vai Namo Nama Om Nama Iti //

Facing the north and standing with folded hands this mantra should be uttered.


Ritagum -The beauty in things seen

Satyam -The basis of sight.

Param Brahma -Para Brahma (Supreme Being)

Purusham -Dwelling in all bodies.

Krishna Pingalam -The dark Lord Krishna and the red Shiva united as Harihar


Namah Savitre Jagadeka Chakshushe Jagat-prasooti-sthiti-naasa-hetave, trayee mayaaya trigunaatma-dhaarine Virinchi Naamayana-Sankaratmane, Dhyeyah Sadaa Savitrumandalamadhyavartee Naarayanah Sarasijaasana-Samnivishlah //

Keyuravan Makarakundalavaan Kiritee Haaree Hiranmaya-vapur-dhritha sankha-chakrah.Sankha-Chakra - Gadaapaano Dwarakaanilayaachyata // Govinda Pundareekaaksha Raksha Maam saranagatam //Aakaasaat patitam toyam yatha gacchati saagaram// Sarvadeva namaskarah kesavam prati gachchati // Sreekesavam prati gacchatyon nama iti
// abhivaadaye ... Asmi Bhoh //


Kaayena Vaacha Manasendriyairvaa Budhyaatmana Vaa Prakriteh Swabhaavaat // Karomi Yadyat Sakalam Parasmai Naraayanaayeti samarpayaami //.

Kaayena -By the body.

Vaachaa -By speech.

Manasaa -By the mind.

Indriyairvaa -or by the senses

Budhyaatmana Vaa -or by the intellect

Gayatri mantra is meant for realization of God and is regarded as representing the Supreme Lord. It is meant for spiritually advanced people. Success in chanting it enables one to enter the transcendental position of the Lord. But, in order to chant the Gayatri mantra, it is necessary for one to first acquire the qualities of the perfectly balanced person in terms of the qualities of goodness according to the laws of material nature. The Gayatri mantra is considered to be the sonic incarnation of Brahman and is regarded as very important in Vedic civilization. In Bhagavadgita (Ch. 10. 35), Lord Krishna states:Brihat saama latha saamnaam
Gayatri chandasaam aham
Maasaanam maarga sirshoham
Ritunaam kusumaakaraha
Among the hymns, I am the Brihat saama sung to Lord Indra, Of the poetry, I am the Gayatri verse sung daily by the initiated, Of all the nuwsas (months), I am the margasira (November- December) Among all the ritus (seasons), I am the flower bearing - spring.

                                                   Goddess Gayatri

Gayatri, the five-faced Goddess, is said to have domain over the five senses or pranas, and protects these five life-forces of those who chant the Gayatri Mantra. In her role as the protector, Gayatri is referred to as Savitri.
                                     Word for Word Meaning of the Gayatri Mantra
Aum = Brahma ;
bhoor = embodiment of vital spiritual energy(pran) ;
bhuwah = destroyer of sufferings ;
swaha = embodiment of happiness ;
tat = that ;
savitur = bright like sun ;
varenyam = best choicest ;
bhargo = destroyer of sins ;
devasya = divine ;
these first nine words describe the glory of God
dheemahi = may imbibe ; pertains to meditation
dhiyo = intellect ;
yo = who ;
naha = our ;
prachodayat = may inspire!
"dhiyo yo na prachodayat" is a prayer to God
Hence the Gayatri is unique in that it embodies the three concepts of stotra (singing the praise and glory of God), dhyaana (meditation) and praarthana (prayer).

                          Chandogya Upanisad 3.12.1,2,5 (Qualities of Gayatri)

    1. This entire creation is Gayatri. And the Gayatri is speech - for speech sings (gayati) and protects (trayati) this entire creation. Gayatri indeed is all this, whatever being exists. Speech indeed is Gayatri; for speech indeed sings and removes fear of all this that exists.
    2. That which is this Gayatri, even that is this earth; for on this earth are all the beings established and they do not transcend it.
    5. This well-known Gayatri is four-footed and sixfold.

                      Chandogya Upanisad 4.17.1-6 (Origin of Bhur Bhuvah Svah)

    1. Prajapati (the progenitor of the worlds) brooded on the three worlds. From them he extracted their essences; fire from the earth, air from the sky and the sun from heaven.
    2. He further brooded on these three deities. From them he extracted their essences: the Riks (Rg-veda) from fire, the Yajus-mantras (Yajur-veda) from air, and the Saman (Sama-veda) from the sun.
    3. He brooded on the three Vedas. From them he extracted their existences; Bhuh from the Riks, Bhuvah from the Yajus-mantras and Svah from the Samans.
    4-6. Therefore if the sacrifice is rendered defective on account of the Riks (or Yajus or Samans), then with the Mantra ‘Bhuh Svaha’ (or 'Bhuvah Svaha' or 'Svah Svaha'), the Brahman priest should offer an oblation in the fire. Thus verily, through the essence of the Riks (or Yajus or Samans), through the virility of the Riks (or Yajus or Samans), he makes good the injury of the sacrifice in respect of the Riks (or Yajus or Samans).

                         Brahadaranyaka Upanisad 5.14.4 (Gayatri as the Protector)

The Gayatri Mantra is based on truth. For truth is based on strength. Strength is breath, and is based on breath. So, Gayatri protects (tra) the wealth (gaya) (the breath!) of those who speak it with earnestness and devotion. When one recites Gayatri on behalf of someone, it protects that person's breath too!
Brahadaranyaka Upanisad 5.14.5 (Four 'foots' of the Gayatri)
This verse talks about the unbounded wealth contained within the four 'foots' of the Gayatri Mantra.

    The first foot (aum bhur bhuvah svaha) is said to be equivalent to the wealth contained in the three worlds put together.
    The second foot (tat savitur varenyam) is said to be equivalent to the wealth contained in the three main vedas.
    If one were to receive a gift extending as far as there are living beings, that would equal the third foot (bhargo devasaya dheemahi).
    The fourth foot (dheeyo yo nah prachodyaat) is based on the glory of the sun, whose power and wealth remains unequaled and unrivaled. Hence, there is no amount of wealth that can equal the fourth foot of the Gayatri!

                                      Gayatri Mantra and Views of Rishis

Several concepts are prevalent in the Hindu religion and there are controversies and conflicting opinions also in respect of some of them. But all the sects, saints and rishis have accepted the pre-eminence of Gayatri Mantra with one voice.

    Atharva Ved incorporates a prayer (19-1-71) in praise of Gayatri stating that it grants longevity, energy, power, fame, wealth and divine brilliance (Brahma-tej).

    According to Maharshi Vishwamitra, there is no other mantra like Gayatri mantra in all the four Vedas. All the Vedas, Yagya, Charity, Tap (devout austerity) are not equivalent even to a small portion of potency of Gayatri Mantra.

    According to Parashar Rishi, “of all suktas and Ved Mantras, Gayatri Mantra is the superiormost. Between the Vedas and Gayatri, the latter has an upper hand. One who performs Gayatri jap with devotion becomes pure and gets liberated. A person without Gayatri worship cannot be considered a Brahman, although, he might have read Vedas, Shastras, Purans and history”.

    Shankha Rishi is of the view that “Gayatri alone extends a helping hand and saves a person from falling in the ocean of hell. There is nothing superior to it on this earth as well as in the heavens. Undoubtedly, a person who masters Gayatri attains heaven (swarga)’’.

    According to Shounak Rishi “ a dwij may or may not do other worships. He gets liberated by doing Gayatri jap alone and attains all material and spiritual boons. Performance of ten thousand japs averts calamity in the hour of crisis.”

    Attri Muni says “Gayatri completely purifies the soul. By the glorious power of Gayatri deep-rooted defects and vices are cleansed out. Nothing else remains to be attained in this world by one who fully understands the substance of Gayatri.”

    Bhardwaj Rishi says that “even God like Brahma performs Gayatri jap. It leads to God realisation. A vicious man gets rid of his vices by performing Gayatri jap. A person devoid of Gayatri Sadhana is worse than a shudra.”

    A person who worships Gayatri, observes Brahmacharya and consumes fresh fruits of Anwala tree (emblic myrobalan ) attains longevity according to Charak Rishi.

    According to Narad Rishi “Gayatri is devotion (bhakti ) personified. Wherever there is Gayatri in the form of devotion, God-Narayan, undoubtedly resides there.”

    Vashishtha says “ persons who are dull, way-ward and fickle-minded become highly intelligent and steadfast and rise to great heights in worldly and spiritual pursuits by Gayatri Sadhana. Those who worship Gayatri steadfastly and piously attain self-realisation’’.

Dr.Howard Steingeril, an American scientist, collected Mantras, Hymns and invocations from all over the world and from all religions, tested their strength in his Physiology Laboratory.
He concluded that the Hindus Vedic Gayatri Mantra is the most rewarding scientifically. because

The Gayathri Mantra produced 110,000 sound waves per second. 

This was the highest and found it to be the most powerful prayer hymn in the world.

That the combination of sound and variation in the sound waves and its particular frequency is capable of developing specific spiritual potentialities.

The Hamburg university initiated this research into the efficacy of the Gayathri Mantra both on the mental and physical plane of CREATION...

The GAYATHRI MANTRA is now being broadcast daily for 15 minutes from 7 P.M. onwards over Radio Paramaribo, Surinam, South America for the past two years, and also in Amsterdam, Holland for the last six months

                                              Material and Physical benefits

    Bestows attractive personality
    Develops the power of speech
    Wards off poverty and insufficiency
    Forms a protective halo around the person
    Brilliance in the eyes is noticed
    Wards off dire influences, unfavourable circumstances and dangerous situations
    Activates internal centers in the body
    The beeja mantras in the mantra activates nerve fibres and glands
    The vibrations when chanting spread in the environment, attract similar positive atoms and return to its origin (the person who is chanting) filling him with this gathered positive energy
    Regular chanting keeps the person and his family always in prosperity and plenty
    The following traits develop: bravery, wellbeing, love, wealth, brilliance, stronger immunity, sharp intellect, perfect control over senses, devotion, retention, attracts life force, increases penance, farsightedness, awakening, improves productivity, makes one cheerful, idealistic, courageous, full of wisdom and removes selfishness and promotes service mindedness
    The atmosphere around that person is calm
    A person chanting Gayatri can never have a demeaned life. It is always a blissful life
                                      Subtle and spiritual benefits

    Develops a sacred and focussed psyche
    Grants 8 forms of siddhis (powers) and 9 forms nidhis (attributes) and several subsets of these called riddhis
    Allows one to positively influence the environment and to use divine energy for welfare of the world
    Person develops Divine magnetism
    Igonrance, infirmity and inadequacy are removed
    Makes one a magnetic personality
    Develops a feeling of peace, makes one aware of a new power that is working within them
    Makes a person take interest in noble deeds
    When a mistake is committed, makes one immediately recognize it, feels sorry for it & takes corrective action not to repeat it
    Develops intuition and gets an inkling of future events before they happen
    Develops ability to read minds
    Ability to influence people and plant good thoughts in them
    Regular practice makes anything uttered by that person comes true and materializes itself
    Sees Divine light in everything around
    A person can transfer a part of their spiritual energy to others

“Gayatri Mantra is the best divine prayer hymn in the world


  1. Excellent blog. I really enjoyed reading this. I perform Gayathri japam with sandhya vadhanam three times a day and I am able to feel the good things gradually. There is no doubt, it is a best divine mantra for our solace. Most of them do not give importance to it. I am very happy that I have started practising 3 times a day in the last 7 months...

  2. Dear Sir,
    Please provide me the lyrics of the Mantra (Agamarshanam) as stated in Page No.78 of the booklet. I presume typo error in "Pavitrane". please assist, thanks.
    Please can you provide me the scanned copy of the booklet/share me the store where i can get this valuable booklet.
